dynamic ads campaign

for: DEPT agency
client: D66

My role

Project & Account Manager

About the project

Political party D66 briefed DEPT agency with the ambitious plan to create an online marketing campaign for more than 180 different municipalities. I was responsible for the whole account, timings and budgets. Our digital marketing team wanted to ensure 1) a good visibility in 188 municipals 2) be as relevant as possible with the creatives 3) ensure a specific budget per municipal as the available budgets were based on local investments. And off course to automate all this as much as possible.

With the use of automation tools like Smartly, Channable and AdCombi, the Dept specialists were able to create separate dynamic ads for each municipality for Social, Display and Search. This meant that within each municipality we were able to show ads related to the topics that were most relevant within that specific municipality.


During the peak of the campaign more than 1.500 (!) different ads were running. Personalized and geo targeted and therefore super relevant. The budget of the client was most optimally used.

D66 did not suffer major losses anywhere, remained stable in most municipalities and even grew slightly in some. This was the initial goal and was thus achieved.

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